We know you think the Internal Revenue Service is out to get you, but this government agency really does provide a lot of help on its website, irs.gov. On the IRS site you'll find forms, tax calculators, instructions, tax tables and much more for both individuals and businesses.
For individuals, the Interactive Tax Assistant is a tool that provides answers to several tax law questions specific to your individual circumstances. If you're in the military, there is the Tax Information for Members of the Military page that deals with issues unique to those who serve. If you earn income abroad, you have special tax issues and there's a section just for you too. Business owners are covered under the Tax Information for Businesses page. You can find tax information concerning partnerships, corporations, self-employment, and international businesses.
The IRS knows you have questions, so there's a Frequently Asked Questions and Answers page that covers the most common questions. This is a VERY useful section!
So don't let the IRS intimidate you -- make it WORK for you. Visit the IRS website and get your tax season off to a great start!
IRS Tax Centers provide links to IRS web pages specific to business owners and tax professionals with the small business community